Gathering around the backyard fire pit is a great way to relax on a fall evening with family and friends. To help prevent accidents, here are a few tips for fire pit safety.

Safety Begins with the Installation of Your Fire Pit

When building or installing a fire pit, make sure it is at least 15 feet away from your home. The flames should be well-contained in a metal, brick, or concrete structure. When choosing a location, place the fire pit away from outdoor structures and overhanging branches, awnings, and canopies.

Dress for Fire Pit Safety

Always have an adult in charge of the fire. This person should wear well-fitted clothing without baggy sleeves, frayed edges, or drawstrings. Keep long hair tied back. For extra protection, leather gloves will help prevent burns and splinters when you add wood to the fire.

Keep Children and Pets Away

Teach children to keep their distance from the fire. Generally, ten feet away is considered a safe distance, but this also depends on the size of the flames. An adult should be present at all times to keep an eye on children and pets. Never allow kids to add wood to a fire or adjust the controls on a gas fire pit.

Be Prepared with Safety Essentials

Before lighting a fire, make sure you have essentials on hand. A fire extinguisher is an important tool for fire safety. Know the location of the garden hose and have a bucket of sand available to help extinguish smaller flames. If your home has a fire pit, keep a first aid kit on hand. Burn treatment supplies will help ease the pain in case of an accident.

Extinguish the Fire

Before turning in for the night, make sure the fire pit is completely extinguished. Embers that continue to burn could damage the fire pit or be caught by a gust of wind and ignite fires elsewhere. With a wood-burning pit, use the garden hose to extinguish the fire. If using a propane-powered stove, turn the fuel off and allow the fire pit to cool completely.

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