The weather is getting warmer and you want to keep your lawn lush and healthy. Caring for the soil, eliminating weeds and pests, and adopting an ideal watering schedule help your property maintain its curb appeal. Here are a few simple lawn maintenance tips to keep your lawn looking great this spring and summer.

Lawn Maintenance During Spring

One of the first steps in lawn maintenance is to clean up the lawn. As soon as the weather is warm, gather any branches or twigs that have fallen. Clean up dried leaves or other debris that collected in the yard during the winter. Throw away any trash and add the twigs and branches to your compost or mulch pile.

Manage Weeds For Successful Lawn Maintenance

To tackle stubborn weeds, fertilize the grass with a product that will nourish the soil while killing the weeds. Dandelion and crabgrass are common in the South and sometimes fire ants take over the lawn when the weather gets warm. Opt for a weed killer that also eliminates fire ants so you and your family can safely spend time in the yard.

Regrowing Grass in the Heat

During the summer, scorching temperatures discolor and weaken the grass. Make adjustments to your lawn maintenance routine to bring back healthy, green grass. Some grasses, like bermudagrass, can be cut back to the roots during the hottest part of summer. Topdress the lawn and wait 2-3 weeks. This will help the grass to grow evenly. This method doesn’t work with all types of grass, so be sure to know which type of grass you have before doing this.

Pay Attention to When You Water

When you’re watering your lawn in warm weather, schedule your sprinklers to water early in the morning. This gives the water enough time to be absorbed before the sun is high and the moisture evaporates. During rainy weeks, turn the sprinklers off so you don’t overwater.

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